Polly - A Fantastic Agility Invitational
Polly had a fantastic 2024 AKC Agility Invitational. She qualified in T2B on Friday and
We are located in Hamden, Connecticut. When I'm not working at my day job, I'm usually doing something with my dogs so the best way to contact me is through e-mail. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Irish Water Spaniel. If you've never met an IWS, we are happy to have you come and meet our dogs.
Stephanie O'Reilly and Jeff Rife info@cuardachiws.com (301) 461-4674
Irish Water Spaniel of America - www.iwsca.org
Irish Water Spaniel Club of America Puppy and Adult Coordinator - Dana Louttit at louttit.dana@gmail.com
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals lists results for testing (hips, elbows, etc.) - www.ofa.org
American Kennel Club - www.akc.org