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MACH Polly

MACH Polly

Polly earn her MACH (agility championship) on November 27, 2023.  She is the youngest Irish Water Spaniel to earn a MACH and she did accomplished this title in just one year after she

Sloane - 2024 NAC Qualifier

Sloane - 2024 NAC Qualifier

Sloane qualified for the 2024 AKC Agility Nationals (NAC) in only five (5) short months after retiring from the breed ring in July.  The qualification period is December 1st through November 30th and

New Agility Titles

New Agility Titles

Polly, Sloane and Flare had a great agiity weekend at the Horse Park in New Jersey September 16th and 17th, 2023.  We had many great runs and Polly earned her master Fast (MXF)

Polly and Flare - Invitational

Polly and Flare - Invitational

Polly and Flare are the top Irish Water Spaniel qualifiers for the 2023 AKC Agility Invitational to be held in Orlando, FL in December. Polly was the #1 qualifier and Flare was the

Flare earns her PACH

Flare earns her PACH

Flare earned her PACH (preferred agility championship title) on June 27, 2023.  She earned this title six months to the day when I lowered her to her preferred jump height (16").  Flare is

Sloane Making History

Sloane Making History

Sloane won his 34th best in show on Sunday, June 18, 2023 at the Middlesex County Kennel Club show which broke the all-time best in show record for Irish Water Spaniel dogs.  He